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Report Current Clinical Studies on Repuls7 LLLT

a.o. Univ.-Prof. DDr. Kurt Schicho et al. 3.11.2018 (final version) Survey on current Repuls7-LLLT studies in the course of Research Projekt FFG No. 853128 (Austria Research Promotion Agency), currently carried out at:  Medical University of Vienna, Austria  Medical University of Graz, Austria  Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Experimental and Clinical Traumatology, Vienna, Austria

In the course of research-project No. 853128, funded by Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG, with industrial partner Repuls Lichtmedizintechnik GmbH, Vienna, extensive research on fundamental principles as well as on clinical applications of Low-Level-Light-Therapy (LLLT) is carried out within the scientific consortium. This report summarizes the current clinical findingsregarding wound healing and scar formation. It contains data from latest studies that are in preparation for publication and is the first controlled clinical trial on this topic. Wound healing and scar formation vary inter-individually to a mentionable extent. Consequently, until today studies providing control groups are rarely available in the literature. To address this issue, we have designed the presented study: Due to the fact that in abdominoplasty / lower body lift the scars are symmetric, each of these patients can found as his/her own control by treating one side of the scar with Repuls7 LLLT after postoperative randomization.



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